Headache-inducing. Confidence-deflating. Confusing! Upsetting!  Emotional rollercoaster! Often dehumanizing!

Finding a job in 2024 has its own unique challenges: Gen-AI, ATS systems with screening bots, a flood of laid-off tech talent, more rounds than usual to offer, simulations/cases/ portfolio submissions/SJ tests, being ghosted, and on and on.

I can save you time, money, and frustration because I know how to navigate these challenges and more with my proven research-based system that has helped 500+ clients land best-fit jobs!  I can help you get a job faster than you can get one on your own and I can help you preserve your sense of sanity and well-being in a difficult, emotionally challenging process!

Are you tired of applying for jobs online, hearing nothing back and getting nowhere? 

Do you dislike your job, but have no idea what type of job would be a better fit for you?

Are you wondering if it is the right time to take a leap?

Are you telling your career story and finding it isn’t generating the response you hoped for? 

Are you burned out and depleted and know that there has to be a better way forward?

Have you tried networking and it hasn’t worked?

I can provide that better way forward for you to a best-fit job where you grow, thrive, love it, and make your impact!  

Join the hundreds of clients who I have coached to land well-paying jobs that play to your strengths and make you feel valued.

I can support you to:

Make a career transition

Re-entry (and entry)


Contract role


evaluate staying versus starting your own business

International Relocation

Go remote

Make a career transition • Re-entry (and entry) • Pivot • Contract role • Freelance • evaluate staying versus starting your own business • International Relocation • Go remote